Reduce, reuse, recycle.... Power supply amp

Whilst mulling things over in my head, I had a mini brainwave. Last year I had a Rodgers electronic piano, actually a Roland one with about 4000kg of additional weight…

Anyway, it was not fully functional so it was stripped for parts.

One I had forgotten about was the PSU + AMP… Ooooohhhhh…

This has, I believe +12, -12 and +5 power. Along with a stk4192 stereo amp. Built like the proverbial brick s##t house.

I dug out a service guide for the Roland, unfortunately the diagram is useless… So I will have to trace and probe.

But this should make a great Psu/amp for the modular.


Judging from you might be able to sell it and buy a bunch of new power supplies for the money :money_mouth_face: (that’s a slightly different model, though, the -300 might be more common).

Unfortunatly the C-100 was not one of their proper products. Unlike their big and very costly organs.

So it’s probably not worth more than what it is, an old unusual, unwanted PSU.