Interesting (i.e. odd, I think) choices from Bitbox. For the 230 piece carbon kit, it’s all the E6 mantissas except 15. For 480 piece carbon, it’s E3 (10, 22, and 47). 1080 piece carbon is all the E6 mantissas plus 56. 1440 piece carbon is E6 plus 56 and 82, except they add 2.7M and leave out 6.8M and 8.2M. And the metal films are E6 except 15 and plus 56.
The only E12 in my top 20 most used resistor values are 1.8k, 120k, 18k, and 12k. Not the 56 and 82 mantissas Bitbox seems to like. On the other hand, E24 2k and 20k are in my top 10 — and 30k is in the top 15, but that’s because of one project that used 11 of them.
Skala’s observation is that the kits usually have lots of values under 100R and few if any values above 1M. The former are rarely used in synth circuits (except 10R, if you’re the sort of person who uses them for fuses) and the latter are used more. Among the Bitbox kits the 230 piece carbon is the only exception to the first observation and the 1440 piece carbon is the only exception to the second.