I got to looking around for a similar thread. Only one that I found was for making panels with a PCB website/company. I think my question is different enough.
I want to try to make my own custom boards. A lot of times I have trouble finding the exact parts I am after. I technically already have the parts, but they won’t be available on the website of the PCB company. After reading through PCBJCB FAQ it appears you have to go with their parts. Do you have to order their parts with a board or can you simply use parts with the exact same pin lay out. It should not be hard to check a data sheet and draft something to compare sizes and dimensions to. Has anyone done this or found a work around? Thanks for all the help thus far!
Side note
I am going to get back to the drum circuit bend. Right now I am trying to get a power supply made to actually get started on adapting the circuit bend to work with a normal synth power supply.
JLCPCB, PCBWay, OSHPark, and all the others do bare PCBs. Some also do PCBs with parts mounted, but that’s not a requirement. Nor do you have to limit yourself to footprints matching parts they have. Within reason (e.g. minimum trace widths, etc.), anything you can get KiCad or EasyEDA or Eagle to spit out, they can make.
I’m a newb… but quick on the uptake… anyways, I’ll just go ahead and recommend jlpcb and kicad. just recently designed and ordered my first bare pcb from them… see it in the organ thread