I have attempted my first stripboard layout for a quad vca using the ssi2164 chip.
(https://www.amazingsynth.com/parts/ssi2 … asheet.pdf)
I followed the schematic in figure 1 and pretty sure its okay. I have yet to solder it. However i am wondering if it looks like it will work?
I used the program DIYLC.
What confused me is that all your power and ground colours are arse about face, I had to do a quick look at the datasheet to make sure the power was correct, black for positive, blue for ground, red for negative is not a good choice etc. Other than that it should probably work fine.
I prefer the as3364 as it is a linear (internal lin/log converter) in its control, doesn’t need all the caps on the inputs, just resistors and its control voltage is 0-2v, not 2-0v.