MidiMuso Board Power

Hey all, I’m a beginner electronics-er and I’m working on ordering all the parts for my stuff. I’ve got it mostly down, but I’m just having trouble with the MidiMuso CV12 PCB power distribution. I don’t want to have 2 12V wallwarts running into my case for the power supply and the MidiMuso board. I have a standard power supply (+12V, -12V, 5V) and I just need a way to connect it up to the MidiMuso board. Thanks.

Welcome here ! :slight_smile:

here’s the continuity pic

Hi Dud! Thanks for the reply but I’m still confused. What is continuity? I just need a way to plug in my power supply to the moduel is all. Thanks :slight_smile:

It was to show you the path of the current in the circuit, to be able to identify the hole of the + 12V (in red).

for the GND i guess it’s the down one but i’m not sure.

but wait for others notices i 'm not sure.

After you solder wires on your PCB and on the other side I suppose a Eurorack / Kosmo plug to plug into your power bus.

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Awesome, thanks; so no negative? I guess I was under the impression that I had to use a negative and a positive, though I suppose that would be ac, right? I can probably figure it out from there. :slight_smile: Thanks so much, this was super helpful, and I’m hoping to be a more active contributor to the forum soon; I’ve seen your name floating around.

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Duds’ drawing seems correct – you’re supposed to put a barrel jack there, and plug your power adapter into that, but you can of course solder the wires there if you prefer that.

There’s also what might be a power connector up here:

It looks like it says +12V there (and +5V from the regulator on the opposite side?) but your picture is a bit too blurry to say for sure.


No, ±12 V DC means that you have three DC voltages, one that’s the 0 V reference (ground), one that’s 12 V below that (−12 V), and one that’s 12 V above that (+12 V). They’re all stable; an AC voltage would be one that flipped between −12 V and +12 V all the time.

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Yeah, I agree; I was just stealing a pic off the internet, here’s one that has those pads (albeit upside down) Do uou think It would be a better idea to just run a 12V DC wallwart in? midimuso board 2

Yeah, you’re right. Sorry. I’m new to all this :stuck_out_tongue:

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The 8 pin header I think is part of the module link, it has +5v and +10.6 (the ref voltage IIRC) going out of it. It may be intended that it’s used when you have more than one MidiMuso to save on power inputs.

True, but if you’re not using that you can solder in your +12 V supply there (as long as you stay clear of the +5 V and +10.6 V outputs).

This post has a clear picture of the connector, btw:

Also, as for the 10.6 V reference we went over that in this thread and the MidiMuso design isn’t great if your +12 V supply is a +12.0 V supply. Sam ended up using a TL431 for the LMNC implementation, to make things more reliable if you’re using a typical modular supply (see long discussion in that thread).

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While you are experimenting with the power supply I would suggest to not put any of the ICs on the board and check whether when you connect the power supply the voltages they need are correct and not reversed in polarity. This will save you from blowing up the ICs when making a mistake. So make sure the polarity and voltages are correct, disconnect the power supply, insert the ICs and then reconnect the power supply.

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Thanks all! I think I might just run another 12V wallwart in :stuck_out_tongue: just the easiest way I guess, I’d rather play it safe as I’m not really in a position to experiment much