Making a Spectrum Analyzer?

Hey all,

I’m sure this is all over the internet, but I wanted to hear the forum’s advice.
Anyone have any builds for a frequency spectrum analyzer and would it be something a relative beginner could build? I’ve been wanting one to slap somewhere into an audio chain to help with sound design and mixing.
I could save up to buy one or use a software solution, but I’d rather make one myself for the hell of it.

Not sure if these kind of beginner “How do I do?” threads are well received, so sorry in advance. <3


I would start with software (say on an android phone) and “build” an interface. Even if you built from scratch im not sure I’d trust my own calibration. Nice project idea.

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Spectrum Analysis is a bit more complicated than say an oscilloscope. My guess is you would need a teensy or something at least to make the FFT calculations necessary.

A quick google brought up this led matrix project. So yes, this is a thing you can do. The code is right there on their github link.

They get cool points for using jean michel jarre for the demo audio:


kudos to this Jarre rocks I should know