Is it possible to buy the music as mp3?

Found the youtuibe channel a while ago and i especially like the music. I tried to look around where to buy all the albums but i can only find one iTunes link that only works when you have iTunes (which i dont have).

I’m a bit old school, i like my mp3 on my storage. Is there a way to buy the music “drm free”?

Hu Ho …
mp3 is old school ?

I must be part of Unesco’s world heritage, as I still buy most of my music on CDs, sometimes even on vinyl…

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You have to be very old school for vinyl

Then there’s yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 <url> but we don’t talk about that.

yt-dlp is only used for big label stuff where the artist doesn’t see any money :P.
Btw. i found bandcamp in the meantime, was a bit hidden but i got there.

No artist sees any money to speak of (relatively speaking) from streaming. Sign up on Patreon for $2 a month and they’re getting a lot more money. Downloads from e.g. Bandcamp is another matter, of course. I’d forgotten he’s on Bandcamp because it’s not mentioned anywhere at lookmumnocomputer - Listen on YouTube, Spotify - Linktree .

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