Note that “Suggested Topics” at the bottom occasionally surfaces old posts, and they look fresh if you missed them when they first appeared, so if you just click around without looking closely at the “activity” column or stare at the timestamps, discourse will mess with you.
(I’m a bit surprised that they don’t have a “you’re replying to an old thread” prompt/banner, seems more relevant than the “you have already replied to this person” thing. Or maybe they have one and I’ve just clicked it away…)
Trouble with Discourse’s nannying is one tends to dismiss stuff like this without reading it because it’s usually something like “these topics are similar to the topic you’re trying to start” when they’re in fact nothing of the sort.
Also the threshold for this warning appears to be 6 months, which should have caught this case but arguably should be shorter.
“one tends to dismiss stuff like this without reading it”
it didn’t tell me that this time for some reason
Veils is still going strong!
glad to hear thats the important part in all this , plus I managed to learn something . thank you analog output and fredrik .
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