Fixed-Architecture Mono Synth Builds

I’ve laid something out here that shows a bunch of stripboards connected together: Verified Stripboard Layouts! - #509 by savt22

Hopefully it’s clear, the gate out on the envelope generators should read just ‘gate’, they’re the gate connections from the Pico. Hopefully everything else makes sense how it’s connected - I’m going Pico to oscillators, oscillator outputs to VCA, VCA to mixer (the mixer is the TL072 on the VCA board). I’m also going Pico to Envelope generators, envelope generators to VCA. It assumes you’d build multiples of some of the boards for the full 6 voices.

As it’s based on the PolyKit DCO too you can swap between mono, stacked, and poly.

I ran the mix out into a single ms20 filter. I had an extra envelope generator running off an OR gate, which is just diodes and a resistor to ground, so the envelope was triggered by any of the notes, which ensures it’s always open when any note is played if using the envelope control. Then I added an lfo too.

One of my earlier posts also has a power supply layout which works too.

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