Hi all, currently I am playing around with some Arduino-like Microcontrollers. I have only one small table as my workbench and cleaning up one small circuit-board is easier than sorting all these tiny compontents. … ignore the into.
I have found a developer on Youtube and github who created incredible things which could get to a module. He always has a comparable code-structure. For his Basic-Synth or the Drum-Computer a simple ESP32 and a PCM5102 works fine. For the new Sampler, a bigger board, a ESP32 Audio Kit Board is needed - 15€ from china. 16Bit, 44.1KHz and a lot of fun. As the ESP32 has a very very bad ADC, you won´t be able to control by voltages but it would be easy to add a small simple Arduino Nano Pro to add 9 or 10? Analog Pins to it. Here is the link to the video and I believe we will see this code in modules in the near future! ESP32 Audio Kit Sampling MIDI Module - A little DIY Arduino based audio/synthesizer project - YouTube
This sampler could really sample and play the sample chromatically!!
Are there any alternatives to this in the same pricerange?
The only thing I can think of similar in function and price as a sampler is the raspberry pi sampler which I built and would say is solid for the most part, though the only problem is that the audio straight from the pi isn’t the best, so it would require an audio “hat” for better and cleaner audio.
Yes, I use Samplerbox too
and I am planning to combine the more or less samplerbox-sample-engine with the Polysynth-Engine from Marcel Licence. Currently the ESP32-Synth is sounding so fat - compared to the Samplerbox which has often a problem with the Peaks. Hans Hommerson is developing a new version of samplerbox for this spring which probably will provide MIDI-Out which could be pushed by 3.3volts into the ESP32-basic Synth from Marcel Licence. Currently, I have not enough time to do all my projects in time. I already have 100 Samplerbox-patches of the Quasimidi Sirius, EMU XL1 collected - and I hope to get a cool 90ties-combination with the ESp32-Synth on top. last week the ESP32 A1S - Baords from bangod arrived and to get the Sampler-Functions, I have to change a lot of the code - I would like to add local Pots or CV and not use MIDI-CC-Messages. … but this board has nearly no free GPIO-Pins - most IO-Pins are used or reserved.