Diy Mixer, Diy (aka story time)

So, long story short…

For my college coursework some 25 years ago, I built a 4 channel mixer. Over last few weeks, I’ve been sorting through my old personal crap, and found the project binder (not found the mixer yet :frowning: ), including the lovely circuit diagrams.

So, roll back a year or two earlier, I’d done my work experience at Peavey’s EU headquarters (in the customer service/technical department, and got to spend two weeks playing with the showroom gear, and rigging up exhibition stands in their car park for the big big big shows they had coming up).

My electronics teachers where next to clueless when it came to electronics (yup), so I was led down the wrong path, and with days to go before my coursework was due (and this was being submitted for two different courses as well), I was up shit creek.

I contacted Peavey, and they not only gave me help, but one of their designers gave me schematics for one of their mixers, and helped me design a simplified version. And explained all the stuff the teachers didn’t understand, like op-amps etc.

After a few very late nights, I managed to build and case a 4 channel mixer. Never tested it, but it was fancy enough to get full marks.

I’d totally forgotten about this, and in finding the binder, I happened upon the original Peavey drawings, and my own reworked schematics.

I feel a build coming on…


Aww man your work ex’ was much better than mine, I was placed in a local supermarket.

Watching this space for the build!


So digging around in my parents loft, I found the mixer (plus some old audio kit I was messing about with).

Smells of burning circuitry, but it’s not been powered up for 22-23 years - probably off gassing of something in there :face_vomiting:


It’s a very modular circuit. I’m even wondering if it’s worth making each channel as a 3-4hp module, and the mixer part as a 4:1 mixer module. Then patch each down to the mixer, with option of a single channel preamp/attenuator if you don’t patch it.

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Damn thats pretty =) glad you found it!

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