DIY expression pedal

Hello everybody,

I found this pedal (I know it is just a switch, not a pot… yet…):

It looks like it is screwed together, so should be easy to gut and replace the innards with a pot and some 3D printed gears.
So my question is : Is the travel big enough ?
It looks a lot shorter than on “genuine” expr-pedals.
What do you think ?
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I’d have to say no. You may get enough travel for a two or three stage switch like they used in the early organs. That said anything that moves could use dial cord (like the old radio dials) and then it’s just a case of having enough space to increase the diameter of the pots.


What’s your reason for wanting to try this rather than just buying an expression pedal?


Not to speak for OP, but maybe just because. I find that’s my reasoning a lot of the time.


“Just because” :slight_smile:
Mainly because I am not a musician, and just want to try what a pedal feels like.
And for the DIY aspect too…

It is also about how “precise” you can control somewhat with your feet, so it looks like the travel of this one is a bit too small.


I often get ideas looking at parts and materials especially ones that mean using the part in an unintentional way. To me it’s a major part of the fun. Sing out if you spot anything else.


If you’re 3D printing parts anyway, you could consider printing the entire thing.

(first model I found, I’m sure there’s more out there)


This one looks flimsy to me…
But yeah, I might search a bit and find one that fits my feets :slight_smile:


I printed this one a while ago. It is small, ehm. I’m sorry I’ll say that again: it has a small foot print :slight_smile: But it works. The design is from


Look much more sturdy.
But also so much higher… is that comfy having one foot so high ?
(I mean, I have never used one… I really don’t know much about pedals)

In this picture you see an M-Audio FX-pedal next to the printed version, so that you can compare the sizes.


Looks like the 3D printed pedal is just slightly thicker than the M-audio one.

The M-Audio is articulated at the “back” and you have to push it down with your heel ?
And the 3D printed one you push down with your toes ?
I clearly prefer the second way, that’s how the accelerator on my car work :slight_smile:

I think I will just put the one I found in my next order and see what can be done with it, it’s not even $7…

Near the middle, the pivot is a little closer to the heel


Much better this way, would have been weird otherwise.