CB55 - Drum PCB

Hi All,
ive just ordered a CircuitBreakers CB55 Drum PCB and am designing a 3d printed faceplate.
just wondered if anyone else has this PCB and could ping me across some quick mesurements for the mounting holes and board itself.

i will be using the CB forum to mod the board to have individual outputs for each of the “sections” as well as a mix out etc, once i have designed and confirmed the plate fits and all is well i will post on github and here the STL Files for people to replicate :slight_smile:


I am getting said pcb too, and all in on your faceplate and mods . great strides bring you good luck . thanks


I have it, I can take some measurements for you when I get home. You looking for dimensions in metric?

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Please! That would be awesome :slight_smile:

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3mm holes , 12.9 cm o.c. x 6.2 cm o.c. , which are 5mm x 5mm in from outer corners of board
13.9 x 7.2 is the over all board size
are you getting kosmo face plates ? any extra I would be interested .


You are a star!! Thanks.
I’m designing Kosmo plates for 3D printing :slight_smile:


cool , I have an aluminum plate , just wondering if you were doing a fancy pcb type plate

yes either way, are fine

Just Uploaded 3x Designs to my Github.
All untested as of yet as am currently Printing them off…

Feel Free to Do whatever with them as i have included the F360 Files

:slight_smile: Enjoy