Carpentry tips and tricks


I am trying to go back to the basics and I want to build a wooden keyboard with the similar shape of the one on a piano.
I have a lot of tools but I discovered that my XY cross table has some precision issues as long as my drill.
So I am looking for informations on how to make a straight line of holes into the wood that are evenly spaced without any fancy tool.

have a nice day

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Make a jig like this :

That’s a hole and a dowel.

Drill the first hole, move the jig along the border to put the dowel in the first hole, drill the second hole, etc…


thank you!
This is so simple… I feel stupid

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There are no DAQs* here @didordure.
Im old school and use a compass when doing a pegboard. Are all your planned note mechanisms the same dimensions? I ask as with stringed keyboards i work in threes to compensate for the strings/course width as you go. Make a model and test it before committing to a keyboard full and keep us posted.


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I will keep you posted as I can. I am not really good at it though…
You must know that I am somehow a bit punk.
I “bricole” fast and dirty but I try to get rid of this bad habbit.

Concerning dimensions for now i want to do all the keys straight. No strings but metal bars and a “stein” or “german” action mechanism. Which seems simple enough to be made by me.
I won’t tell you about the wood you would cry but it’s some kind of prototype to be able to learn from my recuring mistakes.

Here is the first try :


All I saw was a very similar Synth cat.

(All joking aside, I’m very intrigued and can’t wait to see this progress)


Funny, that was what i named my first tape loop build!
Have fun : D

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looks like some mahogany / cherry ? either way expensive these days .

it’s impossible. These are Bob & Patrick. A dynamic duo

As for the wood…

I have changed the tiles and the wood of the roof of my house… and instead of throwing all away, I kept all the wood. As cendrillon I separated the good and the bad. These are made of some kind of pine. dried for about 70 years. They are surprisingly straignt and sturdy. Really better than what you can buy today. The one note mechanism is plywood and pine


I try to update.

The most powerfull tool to achieve enough précision to drill was finally this one :slight_smile:

The “chignole” plus a pencil and a compas…and lots of patience.

The result il not That bad.

So now the keybed exists