Baby 8 step sequencer schematic

Without the voltage dividers, the output voltage should be about equal to your positive rail — are you using +12 V? That’s enough to trigger anything. If you’re not getting +12 V on the outputs then there’s a mistake in your assembly. Output jack tip terminal should connect directly to 4017 output pins so there’s no way voltage can be low.

If you’re only powering it with +5 V or something like that, that’s another story.

Oh, now i think i got it… i have conected the jack after the led, right near the pots… i measured there last night, i think i got arround 1.8 v, or something like that, if i find the time i’ll measure the voltage at the 4017 output pin. The whole thing is powered at 9 v, as the schematic sugested.

The important thing is to have no voltage divider before the jack: This


reduces the voltage at the jack (there’s a path for current to flow from the 4017 to ground through R2, so there is a voltage drop across R2), while this


(with no path to ground through R2) or of course this


(with no R2 at all, jack connected directly to 4017) doesn’t.

This is the entyre thing i did. i don’t remeber exactly if with the divider i had 1.8 output or without, it was quite late for me and decided to call it a night. the thing is that before even doing a measurement, i tried with and without the 3k and 2.2k divider, without any succes, that’s why i did a measure check afterwards. as you can see in the photo, i only have 1 resistor to ground from the led, from the + of the led i’m going to the pot, right before the pot i hooked the output jack.

I was gonna suggest this video for sure! I haven’t made this mod as I have no desire to have more than eight to sequence (just my preference), but IF I was inclined to do so this would be my approach. I’ve watched it a few times and he seems to make everything pretty clear and simple…to my understanding anyway…I’m a noob…:grin: