AS3340 VCO Question

Hi guys,

So after building a new circuit of LMNC’S VCO with an as3340 chip, I have finally got sound. However, the pitch is high and the trimpot I’ve used is not allowing me to lower the pitch, but instead only allows me to adjust it to go even higher. Just wondering if anyone’s got any ideas why this is and what I can do to adjust the pitch to go lower.

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have you put the good value for the pot / the trimm pot / the resistances … ?


Let’s see a pic! :slight_smile:


Just a heads up that you’ve gotten some additional answers in the other thread :slight_smile:


So here are a few pictures of the stripboard circuit for the VCO, which I had issues with (read above in thread), hopefully are reasonably clear. Just hoping someone could suggest what could be the problem for why the pitch is high from the module. I am a beginner, so I don’t know if capacitors and resistors need to be placed a certain way round on the board or the trimpot is the wrong way round??? not sure but hoping for some suggestions!!

no need to cross post :slight_smile:

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