Hello. I built thogre’s 3340 oscillator (alfa4vco) and while it makes beautiful sounds, I cannot get it calibrated. As soon as I get close to getting the octaves in tune I run out of turns on the 10k trim pot.
I am using a keystep pro to tune.
My (potentially flawed) tuning procedure:
turn freq knob to 100hz
play octave above on keystep and tune the trim pot till I reach 200hz
go back down an octave and turn the freq pot
back and forth, etc
I used a 750 ohm resistor that goes from -12v to pin 3 of 3340 instead of 620 because I failed to understand that I wouldn’t get -7.4 volts without the chip being installed.
I also didn’t have a 1.8k resistor, so I used a 1.5k resistor for R11, but I don’t think that would affect tuning.
Before I start pretending like I know what I’m doing, would anyone care to give me some pointers?