Arduino based ADSR

If you’ve got an Arduino to burn (intentionally) then get it on video so we can all enjoy the magic of the blue smoke with you! Saturday morning I burnt up 3 ATTiny85s and melted another breadboard before deciding it just wasn’t the day for electronics and went for carpentry instead.

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This is how she turned out if anyone is interested!

Gonna test it out tomorrow!


Did this end up working by the way?

Couldnt debug the issue either :frowning:

I’ve never had any luck getting this arduino project to work. It looks like great but maybe its a dud!

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Hardware or software issues? Hardware seems basic enough, not much to go wrong there; software doesn’t look too complicated either… ought to be fixable.

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Software. I’ve had similar issues getting Arduino code to compile and load properly before.

I agree it looks pretty simple - I may revisit

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i plugged in the board and all lights turn off on the arduino lol…

I really dont remember tho - however - aside from the pots and stuff on the face - the arduino is now in a different project as are the knobs and jacks lol


This looks really good!

Maybe someone could modify the code to make it polyphonic with many DACs and gates output, it would be awesome

How would you want to set the (many) ADSR values?

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I guess you could have banks that hold the last set/s of voltages. Possibly using a couple output pins to ‘playback’ the voltages selectable by a switch?

No idea if arduino’s are capable of that tho.

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To ask this differently, but how would you want to operate each ADSR? How many dials / knobs etc are you thinking of?

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I think you could add 3 or 4 of them and use the CS to switch between DACs… Wait when I think about it, I sounds impossible

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In stead of switching DACs you could maybe use one DAC and an analog multiplexer with a sample and hold circuit to keep the value of the respective ADSR. No, my question was more directed towards interactivity. Would you want knobs for each of the A D S R parts for real time control for all ADSRs the circuit constitutes or a menu system where you set whatever value of whatever ADSR you have? These considerations have a big effect on the needs / design of the rest of the circuit.


Has anyone built it?

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Like @willow2x said, you’d bank them. have a bank select, and store the states of the other banks in memory.

Might be pushing capabilities of a nano, but if thats the case just get a teensy. While at it, one could add midi control.

I still trying to keep my motivation to keep working on my midi controller project, but this is very doable.


An ADSR sounds intrinsically very low demand for a Uno or a Nano. I could even give it a go with an ATtiny85 which has 2KB of static RAM and plenty of spare flash that can be programmed on the fly. It even has about 512 bytes of EEPROM.

Edit: the '85 has 512 bytes of static RAM but that’s still ample.

If you have a Teensy, save it for audio frequency stuff which really would be more within its range of capabilities.


I figure yes. Im just sayin. I made a bankable midi controller with a nano, so this absolutely is a thing.


I hope I’m not posting in the wrong place. I built an ADSR using Arduino nano very similar to this one, also using the MCP4921. The original design is based on the proposal by m0xpd (Paul Darlington). I don’t have the schematics here, unfortunately, just the link that leads to the project. I’ve built two units that have performed generally well, but recently there has been damage to the arduinos. Without any explanation they stop working and start heating up indefinitely. Any possible solution?

How are you powering your Nano?

If it might help, here’s my ShedSynth ADSR.
And a bit of extra backround.
And a skinny version: