Got some really nice tape heads, a piece of aluminum rail, and had some perspex lids laying around. So, I made an adapter to add sliding tape heads to different tape recorders without having to drill in them…
Here’s how I made the sliding-tape-head-add-on:
First test-run (sorry for uneven, low volume, I was experimenting with feedback)
While a decent microphone amplifier CAN work to amplify tape heads a dedicated op amp circuit (e.g. in the range of recovery amp for spring reverbs) - a tape head amplifier produces better results.
I’m using a playback version board of the TA7668. Several different boards are available for <SEK100 / < USD10 / < EUR10
And here’s a link to a tape echo I made from a cassette tape deck (and an earlier version of the sliding-head-add-on: