A Rare DIY 70's Magazine Synthesizer You Built Month By Month - P.E Synthesizer

New banger from Sam: A Rare DIY 70's Magazine Synthesizer You Built Month By Month - P.E Synthesizer - YouTube

@lookmumnocomputer - I was hoping you could tell us a bit more about the “Reverb” module/circuit in that thing. Since the PT2399 didn’t come out until the 90’s and it doesn’t look like there’s a spring in the PE module, so how does the circuit work?


Found it here: https://worldradiohistory.com/UK/Practical-Electronics/70s/Practical-Electronics-1973-08.pdf

Looks like it does in fact use a spring tank or “spring line” as they call it here. Very cool PDF to thumb through, I can see why you get jazzed about these old magazine projects.


hello! i think i might have edited out the talk of it i cant remember where i put it, so yes there is a spring reverb tank, sat slightly out of sight next to the power supply on the back its only a small one. also it is voltage controlled. i touched on it on this vlog update last week Sequence 04 - YouTube i realise i ended up editing a few key things out to keep the vid moving, so im sorry i missed that fact. i might have mentionned it in the rundown in the video but may have forgot to edit a close up shot of the reverb tank