Flexible module builds like mixers, MIDI to cv, noise and simple passive circuits don’t need to be kosmo width. Or a mirrored panel in the middle; you are going to be staring at it a long time.
My cut-to-width-by-Americans-with-sloppy-tolerances aluminum panels have only a vague nodding acquaintance with round metric widths, so planning for a round metric case width for me would be pointless. Even my Vector rails have sloppy tolerances, they were nominally 60" but were really 60.5". I sawed them in half and that’ll be the case width.
Umm, ok, I think I see the problem.
(non-supply nets trimmed out)
EDIT: The good thing with this kind of screwup is that you only need to add one bodge wire Once that was sorted, everything worked exactly as planned.
(Apologies for the supply wire color choices, I don’t like using yellow/green for non-earth, but I’m using a piece of 3-wire mains cable so the choices were a bit limited. And nothing was connected to the board, so the only victim here is the poor capacitor. And my nerves…)
I can smell this picture.
Every time you post an oops, it makes me feel better
Did you only blow a capacitor up or did it get full-on impregnated with a face-hugger?
Do you know how many utterly boneheaded wiring errors it’s possible to make on an 8 step keyboard sequencer?
Nope. More than that.
yeah still need to make mine work too …
For one thing, when you’re working from the back? It goes from 8 to 1 left to right, not 1 to 8.
I gave up on my freeform 8-step, that’s why I started my PCB project…
It’s actually doing fairly well. After dealing with a couple of backwards diodes, everything I tested so far looked like it more or less worked, except that steps 1 through 8 were 8 through 1, and on each stage the toggle on/off switch was off/on. The reversed steps can mostly be fixed in software, except in my version button 1 is special, being connected to the reset pin, so I do have to reverse the wires for 1 and 8. First I’m doing the switches, two down, six to go, because I refuse to just relabel them and have off be up and on be down.
And there’s some switch bouncing to deal with, but that’s also software.
I tried some debouching in arduino software recently, I think it was when using the IRQ line on the dunio for my sequencer. it was only partially successful and was not overly confident.
fried one of my VCOs the other day by plugging the power into the wrong connector. to fix it, I swapped out one of the ICs (whichever one was hot) and pushed the Arduino code back onto the Arduino. works good as new. just pay more attention than i did.
yeah you gotta watch that extra connector . I put tape over mine , after cooking the op amp on one of my vco’s of course it was the only one I hadn’t taped right from the time I built them .
smart. I’m going to do that right now.
I’m pretty sure that mistake is what started this thread
i have not even fitted the “link” connector… Sam has eluded to it in one of the recent vlogs or at least i think it was what he was on about…
The link connector functions as in/out for an oscillator drone with up to three oscillators, which could be three 3340 VCO’s but there was something about a cross contamination synthesis oscillator (Fart Box) and a Modcan style VDCO that could interchange with any VCO. The system will be oscillators, a driver to control pitch and FM and a mixer.
Imagining a wall as tall as me of oscillator drones using 3340 VCO’s was my entry to the Kosmo rabbithole. I want to name my modular although it’s not a separate format (exactly the thoughts of using the Kosmo format but not Sam’s own Kosmo persona) which I’ve been dumb at coming up with a name. This is fitting for this thread.
-Fumu / Esopus
Call it anything but put hybrid+ at the end then the form can be anything you like.