A litany of dumbassery

I flashed a lot of these too, I started when I found a bug in the Envgen code that caused it to loop automatically. Got the latest code and pickit3 and reflashed all of mine, same with the clock issue on the Taplfo3.

Also I used the custom code for the vcdco1 chips to improve stability and rearrange the waves moving things like saw and pulse into the main waveform.


Interesting, thank you both. Something to look into if I’m doing this again as it wouldn’t take long for it to save me money

The main issue for me was availability, I got some Envgen8c chips and some noise2 in DIP packages, but couldn’t get taplfo3 in DIP, only SMD, so I used adaptors. Now I just order from Electric Druid, it takes about the same time to source chips.

the little triangle indicating the negative [ red stripe ] is on the wrong side .
but they will still work if you put the slot on the side it should be on and ignore the triangle .

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I use the 16 pin kind and the ‘triangle’ is not pointing towards pin 1 on these either. But then again, I don’t know what the convention is with these things (if there is one).

I’ve only ever seen this convention used (aside from Tim’s header):

(viewed from above)

Pin 1 triangle points to pin on same side as notch, left of the notch as you are facing it.

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To confuse the [fill in your least favourite type of people here] I guess …

2 types with ‘opposing’ triangles…


I was pretty sure when I first saw this that my headers were correct–at least they agreed with the plugs, which agreed with the cable (because I made the cable), but now I feel like I need to check…

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After having so much trouble with these molex (I think?) connectors I soldered the wires straight to the connector. I then realised I’ve been using 28awg wire and not 24awg as I thought which is why the crimping wasn’t making the connections.


That sure is a solution that completely cancels the utility of a connector! LOL

Those are called JST connectors, though that’s a brand name I think. It looks like they’re the same size I’ve been using, which are JST-XH.

Getting the info of crimping those tiny connectors took a little practice, and yeah, using the right gauge of wire for your tool/connectors is a big one. I use 22awg (or 24? IDK). You can (probably) also adjust how tightly your crimps close, which I had to do because my set were absolutely destroying the connectors.

Pro (semi-pro? Ok, total amateur) tip: the little pair of crimp tabs are for the wire, but the bigger ones on the end are intended to go around the insulation for a stronger mechanical connection.

Happy crimping!

Or you can take the approach I used:



+1 to buying them already crimped. You might even find them locally cheaper than ebay!

For some reason they dont ship to the UK, otherwise Id have bought some, definitely a good deal for those who can buy them.


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do checj “PH” is correct

Yeah, the “PH” ones are on a 2.00mm pitch instead of 2.54mm (not good for stripboard) these turn up often in household products TV, DVD, etc and I salvaged a few before realising their pins are too close for strpboard!

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As others commented, you need JST-XH instead of JST-PH.

i just made an adapter board from 2.0 to 2.54 , the spares were to be listed on tindie but i never finsihed the listing.

Too close for stripboard but make great mounts for swappable components you might want on a faceplate.

Now this is odd. A friend called to say “i have a few led’s for you”

Odd connectors and 24v lps. Playtime!

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