A litany of dumbassery

Boxed power connectors on every ShedSynth module and power board, what could possibly go wrong?

Somehow the +12V and +5V regulators survived a punch-up with each other.
Only reported casualties were one electrolytic capacitor - bang! - smoke! - and one op-amp.


That’s one of the most Murphy’s Law pics I’ve seen


Tip of jack broke off and got stuck inside the pedal jack. After I tried unsuccesfully to extract it with brute force and a drill (!), I dissasembled the pedal. I couldn’t desolder the female jack and ended up breaking its front contact in order to pull the plastic cover off. Fortunately, the pedal case holds it together and makes contact despite the snip :man_shrugging:

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If you want to do it non distructivly, i have a tip.

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Okay. Behringer, I see you, buddy, trying to cover your mistakes.


What type of device is this?

Behringer RD-8 Mk 1. I just got it off eBay and it had a few issues, so I opened it up, because of course I did. This little post-production bodge job is on the interface board.

“Cover their mistakes” may not be the right way of describing this. I’ve worked in electronics refurbishing during a summer period a long time ago and this looks to me more like “repair a problem”. To find changes on PCBs made by by the manufacturer is very common.

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Yeah, to me it speaks to discovering an issue in the design after a run of boards and rather than scrapping the lot and eating the cost they engineer a patch, the same way you would patch software, but a lot more complicated to apply…

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If it makes you feel any better, the original spec sheet for the Intersil 8038 VCO showed a pinout for a 16-pin chip. The 8038 had 14 pins.

Sinclair Spectrum 48K - early versions

"Some issue 1 boards also have a curious additional circuit nicknamed “the spider” or “the dead cockroach” - due to timing error in the ULA chip it was necessary to fit an extra 74LS(X) circuit, mounted on its own small board suspended by little legs above the main board. "



note to self: don’t buy box headers of aliexpress anymore…

Because… ?tiny

Happen to have one lying around? Do a quick comparison… Hint: this pic was not mirrored…

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It’s conceivable there might be one or two around here.

Um. Still not seeing it.

Frankenchip Mk. III


As one has.

Hm, yours don’t seem to have the ‘pin 1’ marking arrow at all. Anyway, I got a batch with the marking on the wrong pin.

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Ah. No, it’s there on mine, just doesn’t show up in the picture. You know what? I literally never noticed they had a pin 1 marking arrow. I just make sure the notch is oriented correctly.


CD4049 ↔ CD4069 perhaps?

random holes that dont make sense → regular ol’ tl074 :upside_down_face:

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