I have been doing/drawing some Falstad simulation of few circuits I wanted to understand a bit better.
(NB: these design are not mine, I just recreated some of them using Falstad)
I thought it could be useful for others to put them all somewhere (I couldn’t find a similar kind of topic) so anyone could have a play with it or use it as a starting point for designing something different.
Here’s a simulation of the Baby 8 sequencer on my website. Ignore the End of Cycle trigger output. In the simulation it doesn’t work. 8 step sequencer simulation
It seems there’s a successor to LTSpice under development:
Which is good news. Less good is that it, like LTSpice, is Windows only. Maybe, like LTSpice, it’ll run under WINE. But I’d just as soon not attempt to do that until and unless I hear someone more WINE-savvy than I has done it.