ORGANS! Cause polyphonic synths are expensive

I love the wave table idea, except add a touch screen so you can draw your own on the fly, like a hardware version of strings VST on LMMS :smiley: couldn’t really use it in my setup I don’t think, but yeah, normal synth’s that could be super cool…

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Another thing I really love about that video is that he’s demonstrating this powerful minimalistic synth using the amazing Rock Band 3 keyboard. I bought a couple of those five years ago when they were abundant and inexpensive, and my son worked out how it sends control codes to a computer over the wireless interface. He had a translator to turn the codes into MIDI. I still have one of those keyboards in my wardrobe. It might be fun to get it running as a controller for Bela using my son’s software.

Later: here’s a thread with a link to that software.


ALLRIGHT!! we have liftoff!! So, under suggestion, I went and bought a teensy 4.0 which can generate 18 frequencies all at once! so now I can say I have a teensy organ (don’t tell the girls lol) for $30. so now I have 12 pwm channels for the top octave, and 6 more for lfo’s or what ever, I don’t know yet but it leaves them open. I have some thumb joysticks which are going to be piped in to the analog side of the microcontroler for pitch bending, and another axis of the stick dedicated to filter mods, or lfo mods, who knows… haven’t got that far yet… but they’re there so, who knows.

now into some real weirdness… so since this thing produces 12 notes, (3.3v pp) I need to get it upto 5v, but I also want to add 12 separate vca’s. Kind of hard to explain, but I want to make a weird arpeggiator, that would basically apply a cv that would let a be A full volume 1st, then followed by B a 1/4 second later, than C at full volume another 1/4 second later, and repeat throughout the whole octave. this totally needs a picture, to explain i think. but nonetheless I need vca’s lots of them… I found the 2164 quad vca chip, which would work well (I think), I would only need 3 to get me going, it looks the chip inverts the signal, so an inverting op amp is placed after it, which would work to bump the output up to 5v. now I’m in over my head lol, I don’t really need any volume knobs on the vca’s but I want to be able to control them with CV for that effect. both independently, and in unison… can anyone point me to a simple schematic where I can control multiple vca’s and share components so I don’t have redundant parts?


ARGH!!! good thing I’m supposed to stay in the house… my power supply decided that it was going to help me with that and be a turd… learning as I go lol… anyways… did some case mods :smiley:

everything’s up in the top, I think I’m going to take the ginormous speaker and rotary speaker and put them in their own cabinet later down the road, I now have a place to put all the pots, as well as lots of room for modules…

and I think if I can get this all to work… I’ll add my brand logo somewhere on top… and put that db level chip to good use and lightemup :smiley:

but yeah, made no actual progress on sound lol…


Is that the inside of a Leslie or the back of a Batcycle? I like the DeeZee top!

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its the back of this abomination lol

It lit up when you turned the headlight on… I love diamond plate…


slowly but surely, after multiple pops I have a modern power supply! woo! good thing digikey is still shipping :smiley:

now just working out the heat syncs,


PROGRESS!!! I actually started working on the sound circuit… here’s some pictures!

the tabs are for a fan, not 100% if I’m going to run it yet as it pulls a 1/4 amp

thats how its mounted to the strip board… that sync was a pain lol I also added a couple high wattage resistors to hopefully lower the supply voltage to the 12v and 5v regulators…


more lol breadboarding the teensy TOG with 12 vca’s for a weirdo arp doohicky thinggy

I still am not sure how to work out the arp thing… its going to be an LFO, and ADSR on each note, which I think I want to control with the teensy and some mini joysticks as well as using those same sticks for pitch bend :grin: but a little bit at a time…


TADAAAA!!! It works It works!!!


Sounds neato! I remember my ol granny had an organ that smelled like it would set the house on fire. I was told to not fuck with it, but it was neato.


That’s so awesome! Sounds great!


“Don’t fuck with Granny’s organ, you’ll set the house on fire” is my favourite song lyric in waiting.


man this is taking for ever… But I do have progress! Hot off the DHL boat from china… a circuit board!! and a special thanks to talking tom for modeling it for us…

I’m now working on the 12 phase LFO. I had one based on 12 schmitt triggers, but I decided I didn’t like it… so back to the breadboard :smiley:


-----FACEPALM----- on this rendition, Guess what this dummy forgot… the shotkeys to protect the 2164’s I can work around this… introducing my latest invention… the capaciode! lol FFS…

That, and I can’t find any more of the shotkeys… where did they go? no one knows… Hello didgikey? I need some more elctro-bits please…