Looking for piezo mic amplifier circuit

I’m looking for a circuit to boost a piezo mic up to synth-ish level. Specifically a circuit that runs on a single supply (9v). Minimal components—don’t need any tone control, etc

That disqualifies a lot of the circuits out there like the mikrophonie.

I see some options with jfets which would be fine. Or LM386?

I should also note I’m not worried about getting “good” sound from it. Lo-fi is totally fine

Just throwing it out in the hive mind see if anybody has a go-to circuit for this

I tried this one and it didn’t work for me



I want to try this one but I can’t find any spare Jfets around, ordered some to play with

Some discussion here and links to a couple circuits, haven’t tried them:


Take care with your JFET selection - I found out the hard way that ones meant for switching/chopper applications are terribly nonlinear - you want to make sure you get small signal amplifier ones.

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That’s an audio amplifier designed to drive a speaker, not a high-impedance input. What do you plan to connect this to?

Would using two 9 V batteries be ok?


Power will be from a 9v dc wall wart as part of the relay mixer build I’m working on. It will be plugged into a vca/mixer like any other audio/noise source

I guess I could redesign for an 18v wall wart and get ±9? Maybe not…

Or run the +9 thru a inverter ic

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amazingly enough the safety valve acts as a pretty good piezo amplifier! (I seem to remember seeing one in your setup)

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ooh also! 9v the safety valve thingy without the opamp haha, any excuse for a superficial valve sticking out the top :smiley:


I tried a Similar Design to the one on the top and it works. Just has noise issues so you need to have the wires as short as they can be. I remember reading somewhere that it isn’t a ideal design. I have been looking into pre-amping my Piezo in a toy piano too. I’ll post what I find. Looking again into this this one looks pretty promising Piezo preamp So I am going to give it a go.

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Safety valve without the op amp? Hrrrrmmm :thinking:

Like the original valvecaster

I’ve used the tillman preamp before, playing with R2 value for more/less gain:
Schematic looks insanley close to the one you’ve already tried though. :upside_down_face:

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It’s a bit different, and the next one I’d try but I can’t find any damn jfets!

ebay…dfx parts :upside_down_face:

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Got any junk electret microphones, I put some under the knife to make a piezo amp and it works great… I think I changed one resistor to drop the ampage across the FET I’d have to check though