Frequency Central rev. 3 Power Supply Help

welcome in the forum :slight_smile:

The first thing i think, do you use an AC power supply wall wart ?

I don’t know if it’s very important but in the BOM it’s 3 x 3mm red led

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hi thanks for your reply,

yes im using an AC-AC wall wart

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you’re using the wrong connection on the DMM. Put it in V

okay i have plugged the connector into V.
Do I now have to measure V in AC or DC?

if I measure in DC then I do not get over 7 volts

well you’re trying to measure DC, so I suggest you set it to that.

You might have smoked your regulators from shorting them out with your DMM

Also make sure you’re measuring between the right points. In your vid you have the positive probe on -12V

Honestly, make sure you know how your DMM works before building anything, it’s your most basic tool


Okay it set my DMM to DC in the right measuring range.
Below in the picture I have marked where I have measured.

at the +12V pin I measure 2,75V and at the -12V pin -7V

Check your regulators and rectifier diodes, chances are something didn’t like being shorted out

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i unsoldered the 7912 Reg and 7812 Reg…

the problem is that I mixed up the Reg


I try hard to avoid that