Anyone knows how i give 0.100V from button to put my Electric drums working with something else than drumsticks?
The piezo mic whitch its working now, gives 40-100mV on each hit. Depending how Hard i hit it.
There are good drumsounds to put working with something totally different…
Considering the piezo most likely goes into a high-impedance input, a voltage divider will do just fine. You’ll have to find a supply line, and set up the divider accordingly. Eg 1/50 divider for a 5v supply line.
Better try…
Bringing the voltage down from 1.5V battery with diodes and recistors doesent sound bad… But the impedance could do damage…
Do you have a schematic of the equipment you’re working with?
Measured it, and saw with oscilloscope… (dont even know how to proper use that…)
It could be much easier if i had the schema, so i could put button strainght to where are button place… If there are that kind of schema at all…
Perhaps you can draw up the schematic of the parts directly connecting to the piezo. I’d expect it to either go into a gain stage or a comparator. It would be good practice, and you’ll know where to safely connects a button.
If a piezo signal doesn’t cause damage then a battery (or PSU rail) + switch into the same point with a suitable voltage divider almost certainly won’t. The input impedance being high means it’s very hard to inject too much current — the impedance is protecting, not endangering. Divide down the battery voltage and it should be fine. Just have to make sure when the switch is open you have a pulldown resistor to give it a definite 0 V.
Thanks all, will try sonething… Im learning, but also my brains gives me almost same answers as you there , but only when im reading your posts… “oh, ofcourse, why didnt i think about that right away…”
Nothing haopened yet… There are 25M resistance, when hitting pads… didnt work with resistor either. Tomorrow is New Day… Then i continue my tests… First i lenghten the inner wires so i could proper work inside that machine while its open and the internal wires are connected…
How do you measure the voltage from piezo mic? They easily give out several volts, and when hitting them they resonate a bit, so there can be multiple peaks. Actually they have multiple ways of resonating, the mechanical way and also electrical as they have large inner resistance and capacitance (and there’s always some inductance).
I dont know how to use that… Someone who knows and have similar, could look for himself what is all those what can be Measured…