Looking at the BOM and on the PCB for the AAAPPPCCC is says to use a LM556 chip. Could I use a NE556 instead? The NE556 is more readily available from where I’m ordering most of my other parts so it just makes more sense to order from there.
From what I can find online they’re interchangeable but I just want to make sure before I order
Yes the lm/ne 556 are interchangeable, I checked on their datasheets. Ill link them up for you to bookmark =)
In fact the ne556 has a link to the le at the bottom… but its the same pinouts and operating voltages lol
I have a similar question, and didn’t think it warranted it’s own thread. I was looking into picking up a 556 chip or two on my next Rapid order, they do two different options, just wondering which would be best.
Edit: I should probably clarify what I mean by “best”. I.e. which one is going to give me more entertaining noises…?
The TLC556 is a more modern NE556 - lower power, lower min supply voltage, higher max frequency. But like you said, functionally I think there’s no difference for use in the AAAPPPCCC and I would buy the cheaper one.
Not always…
74xx TTL series logic ICs have usually the same pinout as the 40xx CMOS series, but the voltages aren’t the same… (among other differences, CMOS being “voltage driven” and TTL “current driven”, more or less…)
You know, when i posted that i totally knew i should have put an asterisk. I was simply referring the pinouts being the same, not that they are compete drop in replacement. BUUUT reading what i wrote, it could be totally taken as thats all you need to consider and thats just flat out wrong!
Thanks for setting the record straight. In this example though for the 556 timer chip use in the aaapppccc, i dont see any reason the NE556N couldnt be used right?