6 voice rack poly

Thanks, I’m just adding some extras to it currently. I’ve managed to implement some aftertouch to the FM of the DCOs and TM of the filter and cutoff.

Also added switchable envelope styles between linear and log.


Using some of the things I’ve learnt building the PolyKit 16 I went back to the original PolyKit DUO 6 that I built several months ago. First thing was to fix the sample and hold routine using what I had recently discovered about DAC timing etc. Then I needed to fix the PW which wasn’t able to get successfully to 50% for a decent square wave, now both sets of DCOs can generate a pulse from 1-50%. Lastly I fixed the MIDI channel issue. Previously I had used a programmable MIDI merge to pull everything together. Great but it meant changing MIDI channel by a rear panel display and controls that limited me to 10 channels. I’ve ditched the midi merge and now the Teensy 3.6 takes care of MIDI notes which means I can select any channel from the front panel.