4-CD40106 Osc with CV

I seem to have an obsession (maybe a bit harsh) with the CD40106 IC. It also might be due to the fact that I have a large amount of them so I want to use them in something. Anywho I was trolling the interweb for 40106 circuits and found a couple that showed CV IN. Now that is something that I haven’t tried. The first circuit (which I have since found on this forum) used a 1N4148 Diode at the input. Well I tried that and couldn’t get it working. Move on… The second circuit used a 10k resistor at the gate input for CV IN. So I breadboarded the circuit and holy crap it works. I then added some switches and some 100k resistors so I could switch between single Osc out and mixed osc out. I havent moved it to a strip board yet but that is the next stage.


Maybe you seen it but … here’s the @moritzklein VCO with CD40106 with 1V/oct (video part 1/2 & 3)


And one from Synthfox:


Here’s the core of it:


for 1 V/oct (it could be made more accurate with a few more components)

It has a diode instead of a resistor in the feedback path, so the “output” signal is just a series of narrow pulses, but the voltage on the capacitor is a ramp wave, and then there are shaping circuits to make pulse and triangle.